

Klarity International Limited

Klarity International Limited

Labour Party in, Conservative Party out!

With the Labour Party’s recent landslide victory, their manifesto, “The Beating Heart of Our Economy: Labour’s Plan for Small Business,” outlines several key policies that aim to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). These policies, combined with Klarity Ltd.’s services, can significantly enhance the growth and sustainability of SMEs.

Key Policies from Labour’s Manifesto

1. Tackling Late Payments

  • Policy: Labour plans to legislate against late payments, which currently result in £20 billion in unpaid invoices, hurting SMEs’ cash flow.
  • Klarity Ltd. Solution: Klarity can help SMEs manage their finances more effectively by providing virtual assistants that can help, ensuring timely invoicing and efficient follow-ups.

2. Scrapping Business Rates

  • Policy: Labour intends to replace the current business rates system with a fairer system that supports brick-and-mortar businesses.
  • Klarity Ltd. Solution: By offering comprehensive outsource admin staff, Klarity can help with paper work, emails, bookeeping so that companies can cope up with the changes in new government policies and systems. 

3. Boosting Small Business Exports

  • Policy: Labour plans to remove barriers to exports and provide better support and information for SMEs looking to enter international markets.
  • Klarity Ltd. Solution: Klarity Ltd. offers market research and export consultancy services, helping SMEs to identify opportunities abroad and streamline their export processes by providing skilled virtual assistance to manage logistics of the company. 

4. Revitalizing High Streets

  • Policy: Labour aims to revitalize high streets by tackling anti-social behavior, taking over empty shops, and creating a safer environment for businesses and shoppers.
  • Klarity Ltd. Solution: Klarity Ltd. can assist high street businesses by providing marketing and customer engagement strategies, leveraging social media and online advertising to attract foot traffic and boost sales.

How Klarity Ltd. Can Help SMEs

Comprehensive Outsourcing Services

  • Klarity Ltd. offers a range of services including IT support, virtual assistance, online marketing, social media management, SEO writing, CRM management, document presentation, call screening, customer service, cold calling, email, and calendar management. These services help SMEs reduce operational costs, increase efficiency, and focus on core business activities.

Financial Management

  • Klarity Ltd. provides financial outsourcing services such as payroll, accounting, and financial planning. These services ensure SMEs have accurate financial records, manage cash flow effectively, and bookeeping

Market Expansion

  • With Labour’s focus on boosting exports, Klarity Ltd. can support SMEs in entering new markets through detailed market analysis, export strategy development, and logistics planning. Additional staff through virtual assistance in mannaging online stores and ecommerce websites.

Technology and Innovation

  • By helping SMEs adopt the latest technologies and innovative practices, Klarity Ltd. ensures businesses stay competitive and efficient. Services like IT support and CRM management are crucial for maintaining robust and scalable operations.


Labour’s policies offer a promising future for SMEs by addressing key challenges such as late payments, unfair business rates, and barriers to export. Klarity Ltd. is well-positioned to help SMEs leverage these new policies through a comprehensive suite of services designed to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and drive growth. By partnering with Klarity Ltd., SMEs can ensure they are well-prepared to thrive in the evolving economic landscape under Labour’s governance.

For more information on Labour’s plan, refer to their economy plan

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